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👉 Welcome to Year Six Multi-coloured Bunting - Twinkl

Year 6

Welcome to the Great Bentley Y6 Webpage


Day 4 (Thursday)


Our final full day! 

We have had another great day today and we even had some sunshine this morning! The day has been choc-a-block full of activities as usual and it has been clear that fatigue has started setting in for some - especially the adults!!!

Some of the activities included today were: climbing, Jacob's ladder, challenge course, giant swing, disc golf and problem solving activities. We also had an activity called 'survivor' which we were intrigued by. We went into the woods and we learnt some survival skills including shelter building and how to start a fire.  This was met with varying degrees of success, but enjoyed by all.

This evening, we have started the packing process as we need to be out of our rooms by 8:45 tomorrow morning. This has been a painful watch! :-) We will have some time after breakfast to brush our teeth and finish packing. Then we will have 2 final activities before lunch and then the final drive home.

We are aiming to be back to school between 2:45 and 3pm.  If parents are on site, we will be happy for children to be taken straight from the coach (with their luggage). We will keep hold of the medical boxes and you are welcome to pick any medicines up from the office at any point next week.

This is the final update - we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Over and out,

Mr C





Day 3 (Wednesday)

Wow! What a day!

The children had a great night sleep last night and nearly all of them needed waking up at 7:15 before breakfast. They were absolutely exhausted!

At breakfast, cooked options were available again as well as cereals. There were loads of activities to enjoy today. Some of those included problem solving, trapeze, climbing, challenge course, zip wire and we were also treated to a tour of the manor house and a visit to the beach.  We were surprised to be able to see the Naze Tower at Walton on the horizon. That was a reminder that home is not so far away.

After dinner this evening, we had a campfire where we sang silly songs and toasted marshmallows. A great day all round. 

Tomorrow we have an early start as breakfast is at 7:35. (This shocked the children!)

DAY 2 (Tuesday)

Good morning.

Surprisingly, the children were up bright and early this morning and ready to tackle their day. We enjoyed a breakfast with both cooked options, toast and cereals on offer. The children have now started their first activities of the day - which we will update you on later.

We are desperately trying to get some photo's to you - here is our latest attempt. Try scanning the QR codes below as these will hopefully lead you to some pics of our first few adventures.

Mr C


We have had a great day today - starting our main daily activities. We all had a go at canoeing, orienteering and buggy building. Some children tried abseiling and others went to Jacob's ladder. Those that missed these activities today will catch up on them later in the week. At lunchtime we enjoyed cheeseburgers, chicken burgers or veggie burgers while dinner was Katsu chicken, mac n' cheese or veggie fish fingers.

We also visited the shop. Some children will be bringing some of their money home, others not! This evening, we enjoyed a disco and the children enjoyed showing off their moves. I was most impressed by the moonwalking!

Here are some further pictures of our day. (Sorry for the masses of QR codes - we can only upload up to 8 photos (or 1 video) at a time so they appear as separate codes.



DAY 1 (Monday)

Good evening,


We arrived at Bawdsey Manor just after 3:15 this afternoon and we were met by our group leader - Holly. We dropped off our bags before being taken on a tour of the site. It is such a beautiful setting!  We then played some games on the green all together and had some free time before dinner.

At 6pm, we went to the dining hall where we were treated to a choice of: Fish fingers, Turkey meatballs or veggie chow main.  This was accompanied by pasta, potatoes and vegetables as well as a very well stocked salad bar.

After dinner we found our rooms for the week and had a little time to settle in before our evening activity - Balloon Splash.  This was not a water fight, rather, the teams had to earn points in order to buy equipment in order to protect a water balloon.  Only 1 team managed to protect the balloon safely, but a good time was had by all.

The children are now all in bed (but not yet sleeping!) and are looking forward to a fun packed day tomorrow!

Thank you all for your patience today - another update will follow tomorrow evening.

Mr C




Dates for your diary:

SATS Week:

Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May.

PGL Week

Monday 10th - Friday 14th June.

Enterprise Day

Friday 5th July – details to follow.

End of Term Production and Leavers Assembly

Tuesday 9th July @ 13:30 Leavers Production.

Thursday 11th July @ 15:30 Leavers Production.

Friday 19th July am Leavers Assembly.

Summer Term Parent letter

Here is our parent letter for this term.



VIPERS questions to help listening to your child read.

Reading VIPERS questions


Homework will be set weekly on a Monday and will be sent home. It is due in on Friday of the same week but may be brought in early if completed.

PE will be every Monday and pupils will need to come into school in full PE kits. 



"Today a reader... tomorrow a leader!"

"Exercise is to the body what reading is to the mind.."

Here in Year 6, we believe that reading opens the doors for all manner of possibilities! We encourage the children to use our reading corner regularly, and we hope that you find a comfy space to read with your child at home. 

Please look at the age related reading text link below to try out some interesting books...

Reading List:

Year 6 Book List



Below is a video, showing you how to complete the mathematical questions set on the weekly arithmetic papers. Hope its helpful. Mr C 



SEND and wellbeing resources.

